Clubs & Exchanges

offers opportunities to learn about various weaving techniques, dying, felting, various looms, twining, etc. The Homestead Weavers currently meet bi-monthly on Sundays in the basement of the Community Engagement Center at 2:00 p.m. Email Celie Cassady.
The Weaver's Exchange celebrates spinning and weaving with an annual display in conjunction with the Handweavers Guild of America’s Spinning and Weaving Week in early October.
The Homestead Weavers Exchange was founded in April 1985 by Cecelia Cassady and Johanna Britt. Over the years the exchange has grown from informal sessions where members worked on their personal projects to organized programs and workshops led by weavers of regional and national reputation. Cassady and Britt also led classes for beginner and advanced weavers and spinners, and Cassady continues to lead the group with regular meetings and workshops. Well over a decade ago, the group joined Handweavers Guild of America as an affiliate guild.
The Homestead Weavers Exchange sponsored its first exhibit at the Reynolds Homestead in April of 1990. The show featured rugs, wall hangings, baskets, and wearable pieces.
Contact the Reynolds Homestead office to express interest in leading hikes at our property!
Join College for Older Adults to participate in Wednesday hikes during each COA session.
promotes the art of traditional rug-hooking. Meetings are currently suspended. To express interest in this club, please email Anita Bailey.
is currently suspended. Email the Reynolds Homestead staff to express interest in joining or leading this club.
Learn about the upcoming Nancy Susan Reynolds photography exhibit.
If you are looking to join a group with similar interests, to discover or hone a new skill, or to make new friends, check out the clubs and exchanges at Reynolds Homestead.
The groups are open to anyone, regardless of skill or ability. Beginners are most welcome!
If you are interested in establishing a new group at the Reynolds Homestead, please email Sarah Wray.