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Clubs & Exchanges


If you are looking to join a group with similar interests, to discover or hone a new skill, or to make new friends, check out the clubs and exchanges at Reynolds Homestead. Interesting in joining or attending a meeting to see what it's about? Contact information for each club is listed below.

Hook-in-Hand Exchange

promotes the art of traditional rug-hooking. Meetings are currently suspended. To express interest in this club, please email Anita Bailey. 

Homestead Weavers Exchange

Offers opportunities to learn about various weaving techniques, dying, felting, various looms, twining, etc. Meets bi-monthly on Sundays in the basement of the Community Engagement Center at 2:00 p.m. Email Celie Cassady. 

Hiking at the Homestead

Contact the Reynolds Homestead office to express interest in leading hikes at our property! 

The groups are open to anyone, regardless of skill or ability. Beginners are most welcome!

If you are interested in establishing a new group at the Reynolds Homestead, please email Sarah Wray